Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Personal Narrative

As I stroll through the student union students are sprinting into the tuck to get some dinner before their night class. I keep making my way to Blackington as I ponder various thoughts through my head. A huge project is due tomorrow and it could determine my final grade or even worse my future. Usually, I am cool and collected under pressure, but a little something called senioritis has recently struck me. Starting a project or paper the day before it is due is not something new to me, but this had a different feel. For the first time in a while I am absolutely clueless on a project like a helpless little kid trying to reach a top shelf in a grocery store. All those Thursdays I went to the bar or all the weekends all I did was watch football, maybe I should have worked on this project considering it was arguably the most crucial in my college career. 

    Sashaying my way past maintenance workers blowing leaves in front of Biddle I start to reflect on previous papers and such that I completed at the last second. This one had a different feel and I could not grasp the concept the professor wants us to illustrate. Upon reaching Blackington as I open the door I nod to a few people outside smoking that I know. As I make my through the lobby I notice the regulars who are at Blackington until the wee hours in the morning. The next thing I know I look up and theres a stampede of people sprinting down what my be the narrowest staircase known to man. “Must be late for a test”, I mutter quietly to myself. I go in to the first computer lab to the right and realize there is quite a cast of characters with only one seat open. This seat happens to be next to the girl who is spilling her life story to her acquaintance and my other would be neighbor is passed out drooling on the keyboard.  To top it all off, the would be person sitting behind me looks as if they have the plague and are hacking up a lung. No thanks, I plan on living past the age of 50. Not feeling the people or the vibe of the room I make my into the Mac Lab.  Entering the room, I brush shoulders with some kid who I believe is in my class as he has a look of absolute jubilation and is grinning from ear to ear.  

    It is about time I can get some work done. I exhale loudly  when I sit in the third row of computers directly in the center. As soon as the computer logs me in  I immediately do a bunch of unnecessary tasks like change my fantasy football lineup, check course web for the 40th time, and send out some extremely generic tweet that no one cares about. Anything I can do to put this off I try to accomplish in the next ten minutes. Why am I struggling so much? Have I killed too many brain cells this year? Honestly, it is just a lack of motivation and the fact that I know this is the last big thing to do before I get ready for the real world. I just stare at the screen blankly….. 



Finally! It hits me, actually no it does not because the concept I am thinking of has no tie to the central theme of the project. As I kick back and relax because I realize I am most likely going to be rotting away in the Mac Lab until 6 a.m. Something from the previous episode from Mad Men I watched comes to me. Don Draper said the best way to critically think is to ponder ideas for a while and just stop thinking then it comes to you. I try this twice, but no luck so hopefully the third time's the charm. Sure enough it is, like some sort of happy ending in a fairy tale. 

   I vigorously hammer away at the keys typing whatever comes into my mind. I am like a machine right now just churning out facts and key points left and right. With Pharrell's “Happy” playing in my head as I wrap things up in impressive time. This is one the best papers I have written and the PowerPoint to show the class is just magical. Then, all of a sudden a power outage and my screen flickers off and on. Some girl screams and hits the deck as if it is a category ten earthquake. Turns out my paper gets lost in the digital world as I get up and just chuck the computer. My frustration is through the roof and I am about to have a heart attack when I sit back down. A loud buzzing sound goes off and I wake up….. in Digital Humanities. What a nightmare.

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