Thursday, December 4, 2014
Final Paper Overview
After much deliberation I settled on focusing my paper around the role of fairy tales in various pieces of media. Fairy Tales have been apart of our culture for sometime and played a huge role in our childhood's. There are many pieces of regular literature with fairy tales, but what I have noticed in recent years is the liberty being taken with re-writing or someone putting their own spin on these classic stories. After researching fairy tales I discovered that many of the stories we love such as Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty are actually much darker then the stories we have been told. Just look at all the Disney movies that are centered around princes, princesses, and other famous characters. I have noticed a trend in video games and interactive fiction of an involvement of fairy tale characters. Many of these games have taken on more adult rated content with adult themes not suitable for children. Two games that exemplify this claim is the Wolf Among Us and The Path. Some themes in the role playing game the Wolf Among Us are violence, murder, rape, infidelity, spousal abuse, and many more issues. These more adult interpretations are actually staying more true to the source materiel than the Disney versions. In this paper I am going to focus on the importance and influence of fairy tales in culture; Also, why authors and creators are constantly creating their own spins on these older stories with different viewpoints of classic characters. Below is the more comical, but adult conversations in the first episode of The Wolf Among Us.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Living in a digital age the topic of convergence is starting to appear more often. Technological convergence is basically combining multiple forms of media into one and improving on old devices of the past. Another important aspect of convergence is when new and old forms of media interact with one another. They literally converge on one another to form a greater mean.There are so many forms of media on consoles and devices, eventually we will have one device that is great at having all forms of media. Phones are headed that way currently with being able to talk, text, play games, apps, read books, and so on, but they are not completely efficient in all of these areas. So many people today have an absurd amount of media devices. Take myself for example I have a laptop, smart phone, Xbox 360, and an iPod. Yes, each of these devices are great at their main objective and sufficient in other areas, but it is a pain to haul these things around. Slowly, but surely we are moving toward a time when one device can have and manipulate all forms of media in an efficient manner.
In addition, there are multiple types of convergence which include Economic Convergence, Organic Convergence, Cultural Convergence, Global Convergence, and Technological Convergence. Each one plays in important role in society and offer different advantages to society. It just goes to show that convergence is everywhere and not just limited to media. Global Convergence is the biggest one of all and helps bring together people of all walks of life.
This brings me to my next point about the black box fallacy. People believe that this is unheard of and will never happen, but I could not disagree more. Look no farther than our current smart phones. We realistically are so close to this black box idea and we are constantly creating awesome new technology. I personally think this hypothetical black box will be like a phone and not a cable box which a few critics envisioned.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Reaction to Stelarc
Honestly, I have no clue where to start when discussing Stelarc. This was something completely strange to me, but I have to admit it is one of a kind. The passion and dedication required to make something like this is incredible. Overall, Stelarc to me is a few different ideas and aspects. First, one can control an avatar due to motion sensors and controls connected to the persons limb. The avatar mimics your movements in the digital or non tangible world. Also, Stelarc involves manipulating ones body in real life through different aspects. For example, on the website there are multiple pictures of people being hung by strings as if they are idle. In the one presentation when the spider machine was on stage it reminded me of Sid's creepy toy from Toy Story.By pulling on these strings it moves their limbs. In addition, Stelarc focuses on combining different body parts in some sort of strange mash-up. This is apparent in both real life and the digital world. In real life when he inserted the ear into his arm it adds another dimension and can transmit signals. No, the ear does not have a mind of its own, but it is an extension of the man. In the digital world it is crazy with the avatars faces and different limbs being completely detached or attached in strange positions. A face will literally be spinning when an arm or leg pops out of its mouth.
Stelarc and Existenz have a lot of the same concepts and ideas. They both focus on manipulation of ones body on another platform, but the real life body is needed to control the avatar or movatar. This avatar is an extension of ones real body, but it is realistic by the mimicking it does. Both of these platforms immerses the user in a different world and medium. One unique similarity is that in order for one to be immersed they literally have to be plugged into the virtual world. The user or player has to have something attached or inserted into their body. This can easily blur the line between reality and the game. Each of the two properties focus on the process of manipulation of the body and how ones reacts in both real/virtual time. I feel like both the real world and virtual world immerse the user so much that reality gets blurred because we trick our own mind. Lastly, I found it to be some kind of weird coincidence of the ear with Stelarc and the little pink thing in Existenze from the arcade to be insanely similar. This shows that they have their own way of engaging the user, but many of the same concepts or themes. In summary, both Existenze and Stelarc are something strange, but expand the boundaries of the human body in the real and virtual world through various actions.
Stelarc and Existenz have a lot of the same concepts and ideas. They both focus on manipulation of ones body on another platform, but the real life body is needed to control the avatar or movatar. This avatar is an extension of ones real body, but it is realistic by the mimicking it does. Both of these platforms immerses the user in a different world and medium. One unique similarity is that in order for one to be immersed they literally have to be plugged into the virtual world. The user or player has to have something attached or inserted into their body. This can easily blur the line between reality and the game. Each of the two properties focus on the process of manipulation of the body and how ones reacts in both real/virtual time. I feel like both the real world and virtual world immerse the user so much that reality gets blurred because we trick our own mind. Lastly, I found it to be some kind of weird coincidence of the ear with Stelarc and the little pink thing in Existenze from the arcade to be insanely similar. This shows that they have their own way of engaging the user, but many of the same concepts or themes. In summary, both Existenze and Stelarc are something strange, but expand the boundaries of the human body in the real and virtual world through various actions.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Ender's Game
After reading Ender's Game I want to see the movie because the novel was captivating. The plot had some twists and turns, as well as some mature content which I enjoy. The fact that the main character was a young kid was something different. If the character was an adult I probably would not have sympathized with him as much due to the fact Ender was a kid. This was an important part of the plot on a couple different issues. It helped relate the reader to the character better because he was a young kid who was bullied and taken right from his home. We sympathized with Ender and it caused us to root for him no mater what stood in his way. Also, even though Ender was exceptionally bright, I felt he did not grasp the consequences of his actions. He still had innocence in him even though he killed two different people. If that had been an adult I would have viewed him as an anti-hero and not as attached to the character.
Another aspect of the book I enjoyed was the relationship between Peter and Valentine. Even though these characters took a back seat to their brother they both had vital roles. I really enjoyed how when they adopted those screen names they essentially took on the opposite persona. After a while their personalities changed and they actually believed what they were typing. Valentine slowly started to act more like Peter and vice versa. For how tough and durable Ender was one can argue that the only thing he feared was Peter. Even after Ender grew older and Peter seemed to be less cynical it was the one person that could instill fear in Ender. I enjoy characters in different forms of literature or media that have such a strong dynamic to themselves like Peter. I did not necessarily root for Peter in the book, but I acknowledge how important he was to the main plot even when he was not present.
The one issue I had with the book was that I wish Peter and Ender would have ended up clashing or facing off after battle school. I know their relationship was important, but played second fiddle to the buggers. I thought it would be awesome once Peter got in power if they had an altercation. Just imagine both of them leading an army against one another. This is just one minor complaint because overall I enjoyed the novel and look forward to viewing the film adaptation.
Another aspect of the book I enjoyed was the relationship between Peter and Valentine. Even though these characters took a back seat to their brother they both had vital roles. I really enjoyed how when they adopted those screen names they essentially took on the opposite persona. After a while their personalities changed and they actually believed what they were typing. Valentine slowly started to act more like Peter and vice versa. For how tough and durable Ender was one can argue that the only thing he feared was Peter. Even after Ender grew older and Peter seemed to be less cynical it was the one person that could instill fear in Ender. I enjoy characters in different forms of literature or media that have such a strong dynamic to themselves like Peter. I did not necessarily root for Peter in the book, but I acknowledge how important he was to the main plot even when he was not present.
The one issue I had with the book was that I wish Peter and Ender would have ended up clashing or facing off after battle school. I know their relationship was important, but played second fiddle to the buggers. I thought it would be awesome once Peter got in power if they had an altercation. Just imagine both of them leading an army against one another. This is just one minor complaint because overall I enjoyed the novel and look forward to viewing the film adaptation.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Alternative Reality Gaming
Over the last couple of weeks we have been examining and playing around with Alternative Reality Gaming or ARG. In high school I was a pretty hardcore gamer and played a wide selection of games. Nowadays I do not play video games to much besides a game or two of NHL on PS3 or Super Smash Brothers on the N64. I was excited to do some research and actually get to mess around a bit with the games. When playing the games, I asked myself are these games actually online literature? At first I thought no way they can be considered a form of digital literature, but after interacting with the material I changed my mind quickly. I view it this way, all these games convey a story and have a medium for their different stories. They all have endings some good and some bad so in my opinion they are not any different than a book or a story. Their is a central theme in the games and they immerse the gamer and they become attached to the characters or the plot. In essence for me playing these games is no different than cracking open a Sherlock Holmes novel, because they all have the same consistencies just a different approach or medium to convey their message.
Games are so influential in culture just look across the world and see how many people play video games. From arcades to gaming consoles to phone apps the majority of people have played a video game at some point of their life. With "The Intruder" it includes classic games such as pong and this relates to so many people. The game aspect draws readers in and then the actual plot is what keeps them there. It is like getting rewarded for reading with all the different games and challenges the piece presents. Also, these games the more modern they are have underlying issues in society that are present. It is like a digital representation of certain tragedies or issues we face in our daily lives. Another huge factor in the way we perceive video games depends on the media they are presented. For example, if I sit down to play Xbox I have the intention of playing a game, watching a movie, or T.V. show. When I sit down at a computer I usually have the attention of reading, doing homework, or buying a product. When I experienced interactive fiction I became much more immersed in the text and the overall plot because I viewed more as of a story than a game. Truth be told all game shave plots or objectives, but I had a much more serious mindset then I would have if I was playing Call of Duty. The mindset that goes along with interactive fiction is much more serious and we think more critically because we perceive it more as fiction than as a game. Over time since we live in such a digital age and with technology constantly advancing interactive fiction will become extremely popular. It combines all the positives with a gaming atmosphere and it hard to compete with that. Overall, these games should be analyzed as literature because they contain the same content just presented in a more challenging, unique, and unconventional way, but produce the same effects as a book.
Games are so influential in culture just look across the world and see how many people play video games. From arcades to gaming consoles to phone apps the majority of people have played a video game at some point of their life. With "The Intruder" it includes classic games such as pong and this relates to so many people. The game aspect draws readers in and then the actual plot is what keeps them there. It is like getting rewarded for reading with all the different games and challenges the piece presents. Also, these games the more modern they are have underlying issues in society that are present. It is like a digital representation of certain tragedies or issues we face in our daily lives. Another huge factor in the way we perceive video games depends on the media they are presented. For example, if I sit down to play Xbox I have the intention of playing a game, watching a movie, or T.V. show. When I sit down at a computer I usually have the attention of reading, doing homework, or buying a product. When I experienced interactive fiction I became much more immersed in the text and the overall plot because I viewed more as of a story than a game. Truth be told all game shave plots or objectives, but I had a much more serious mindset then I would have if I was playing Call of Duty. The mindset that goes along with interactive fiction is much more serious and we think more critically because we perceive it more as fiction than as a game. Over time since we live in such a digital age and with technology constantly advancing interactive fiction will become extremely popular. It combines all the positives with a gaming atmosphere and it hard to compete with that. Overall, these games should be analyzed as literature because they contain the same content just presented in a more challenging, unique, and unconventional way, but produce the same effects as a book.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Personal Narrative
As I stroll through the student union students are sprinting into the tuck to get some dinner before their night class. I keep making my way to Blackington as I ponder various thoughts through my head. A huge project is due tomorrow and it could determine my final grade or even worse my future. Usually, I am cool and collected under pressure, but a little something called senioritis has recently struck me. Starting a project or paper the day before it is due is not something new to me, but this had a different feel. For the first time in a while I am absolutely clueless on a project like a helpless little kid trying to reach a top shelf in a grocery store. All those Thursdays I went to the bar or all the weekends all I did was watch football, maybe I should have worked on this project considering it was arguably the most crucial in my college career.
Sashaying my way past maintenance workers blowing leaves in front of Biddle I start to reflect on previous papers and such that I completed at the last second. This one had a different feel and I could not grasp the concept the professor wants us to illustrate. Upon reaching Blackington as I open the door I nod to a few people outside smoking that I know. As I make my through the lobby I notice the regulars who are at Blackington until the wee hours in the morning. The next thing I know I look up and theres a stampede of people sprinting down what my be the narrowest staircase known to man. “Must be late for a test”, I mutter quietly to myself. I go in to the first computer lab to the right and realize there is quite a cast of characters with only one seat open. This seat happens to be next to the girl who is spilling her life story to her acquaintance and my other would be neighbor is passed out drooling on the keyboard. To top it all off, the would be person sitting behind me looks as if they have the plague and are hacking up a lung. No thanks, I plan on living past the age of 50. Not feeling the people or the vibe of the room I make my into the Mac Lab. Entering the room, I brush shoulders with some kid who I believe is in my class as he has a look of absolute jubilation and is grinning from ear to ear.
It is about time I can get some work done. I exhale loudly when I sit in the third row of computers directly in the center. As soon as the computer logs me in I immediately do a bunch of unnecessary tasks like change my fantasy football lineup, check course web for the 40th time, and send out some extremely generic tweet that no one cares about. Anything I can do to put this off I try to accomplish in the next ten minutes. Why am I struggling so much? Have I killed too many brain cells this year? Honestly, it is just a lack of motivation and the fact that I know this is the last big thing to do before I get ready for the real world. I just stare at the screen blankly…..
I vigorously hammer away at the keys typing
whatever comes into my mind. I am like a machine right now just churning out
facts and key points left and right. With Pharrell's “Happy” playing in my head
as I wrap things up in impressive time. This is one the best papers I have
written and the PowerPoint to show the class is just magical. Then, all of a sudden
a power outage and my screen flickers off and on. Some girl screams and hits
the deck as if it is a category ten earthquake. Turns out my paper gets lost in
the digital world as I get up and just chuck the computer. My frustration is through
the roof and I am about to have a heart attack when I sit back down. A loud
buzzing sound goes off and I wake up….. in Digital Humanities. What a
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Little Red Riding Hood & Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries
In this weeks assigned readings two pieces stood out to me. The first being Leishman's retelling of Red Riding Hood. I have come across different literature pieces or even video games that have retold fairy tales and I always enjoy them. This piece was no exception because it breathes new life into a story. Obviously, in terms of graphics it was extremely similar to Deviant because of it being the same author. This piece was much different then Deviant and not nearly as frustrating. I knew the ending was going to be much different than the original story, but was not expecting such a curveball. One unique aspect of this piece that intrigued me was when Red is sleeping you can witness her different dreams which are trippy to say the least. Something that agitated me was how short the piece was compared to Deviant. Even if it was just a couple more scenes it would have expanded the meaning of the piece and the viewer could have gotten more out of it.
I would like to briefly touch on the pieces that we looked at from Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries. The pieces were extremely vibrant which definitely kept my intention, but the flashing screen was hard to handle after a long period of time. Even though the stories were unique and different, it agitated me that none of them really seemed to have a central meaning. Of course, I may have missed something, but it seemed like a bunch of gibberish to me. Some people may complain about some of the vulgarity, but I really liked it. Rarely do you read a piece of literature in college that has vulgarity in it. To me, it gave me a sense of realism through the piece as if an average person produced the work. Realistically, the majority of people swear so it was a nice change of pace compared to the uptight and politically correct dialogue of other works.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Google Maps Essay
After much consideration and deliberation I finally chose to provide the story of my 21st birthday. I chose this because it was over this past summer and was probably the most fun I have ever experienced. It was the transformation to becoming a full fledged adult over the course of one day. The story begins with me at work patiently waiting and I go on to tell the tale of the night before my birthday all the way through the next day. My birthday had a little bit of what is expected of someone's 21st birthday along with a twist or two along the way.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The Sweet Old Etcetera
Out of this weeks readings one in particular stood out to me. This reading was titled The Sweet Old Etcetera , by Allison Clifford. It was another interactive piece of electronic literature, which adopts the poetry of E.E. Cummings which features crazy visual features. Depending on how you click it will form different formations and words. At one point it looked as if I had a dying tree in a hurricane on the middle of my computer screen.
This piece reminded me of music notes because of how the words would move around and form words, phrases, or just jumbled words. The visuals on this piece were beautiful ad I felt immersed in the interactive. Also, it was apparent that Allison Clifford really had a passion for this type of poetry and went all out to create a great experience for the viewers. This passion relates to the audience and even rubs off on them to keep exploring and playing around with other pieces that are similar. I also enjoyed the way the tree branched out with all of the different lines of words. This feature made it feel as it was a real tree about to tip over.
Although I just had a minor spiel on what I enjoyed out of the piece, overall I was not a big fan of this reading. It had nothing to do with the poem itself, but the way the piece of literature worked. It grinded my gears that at the start at how smashed together the words were and most of them were difficult to see. The way how half of the words were darker or lighter than other ones depending on what you clicked irritated me. I understand the point of contrast, but this was just unnecessary. Majority of the time the words that were formed meant nothing and were just plain useless. I have no issue with going through a piece a few times to get the end or correct meaning, but this made me feel as if I was a dog running in a circle chasing my tail. This piece seemed to have an identity crisis as if the author was not sure if it wanted to be a video game, wannabe music selection, or a piece of electronic literature. What was with the bouncing asterisk marks? I am not sure if my computer was acting up, but when I clicked on them nothing happened. I just assumed this was the ending. If this is true, then the piece would benefit from actually properly stating the poem is over. I do not understand why the most of the supposed parenthesis marks were there they provided nothing to the interactive. End Rant!
This piece reminded me of music notes because of how the words would move around and form words, phrases, or just jumbled words. The visuals on this piece were beautiful ad I felt immersed in the interactive. Also, it was apparent that Allison Clifford really had a passion for this type of poetry and went all out to create a great experience for the viewers. This passion relates to the audience and even rubs off on them to keep exploring and playing around with other pieces that are similar. I also enjoyed the way the tree branched out with all of the different lines of words. This feature made it feel as it was a real tree about to tip over.
Although I just had a minor spiel on what I enjoyed out of the piece, overall I was not a big fan of this reading. It had nothing to do with the poem itself, but the way the piece of literature worked. It grinded my gears that at the start at how smashed together the words were and most of them were difficult to see. The way how half of the words were darker or lighter than other ones depending on what you clicked irritated me. I understand the point of contrast, but this was just unnecessary. Majority of the time the words that were formed meant nothing and were just plain useless. I have no issue with going through a piece a few times to get the end or correct meaning, but this made me feel as if I was a dog running in a circle chasing my tail. This piece seemed to have an identity crisis as if the author was not sure if it wanted to be a video game, wannabe music selection, or a piece of electronic literature. What was with the bouncing asterisk marks? I am not sure if my computer was acting up, but when I clicked on them nothing happened. I just assumed this was the ending. If this is true, then the piece would benefit from actually properly stating the poem is over. I do not understand why the most of the supposed parenthesis marks were there they provided nothing to the interactive. End Rant!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Favorite E-Lit Selection
At first, I was a bit hesitant and weary of E-lit because I did not know what to expect. Over the last few weeks I have gotten a solid grasp on what E-lit is and how to properly interact with it. Although E-lit is far different than cracking open a book, I have enjoyed most of the class readings .A few selections from previous reading really stood out to me, but one in particular was my favorite.
Mr. Plimpton's Revenge was something unique and different compared to most of the other works. It was helpful to see exactly where the story took place and how it unfolded. I felt immersed in the story because I was able to see all of the locations. The small dialogue boxes made it enjoyable to read because it was not an overwhelming amount of text and I breezed through the piece with a great understanding.
Even though I really enjoyed Mr. Plimpton's Revenge, by far my favorite was Public Secrets. I am sure some of the reason behind this is the similarities to the Netflix show Orange is the New Black. This piece was so emotionally charged and it engaged the reader to show some type of emotion for these women. The piece was mildly depressing learning a vast majority of the women were locked away for life with no chance of parole, but that is what made the piece so powerful. If it did not contain such harsh issues or punishment the piece would not have been able to engage the viewer on such a deep level. In addition, just being able to hear what the women did to get in was fascinating and disturbing at the same time. I have had family members in prison before so I was able to relate to what the inmates families and friends went through. It was not that shocking to learn about the inmates mistreatment due to all of the media coverage and new shows or films popping up depicting prison life. The overall design of the piece was interesting and something different and it drove me to check out all of the features. There is a large amount of content in this piece, but with it being grouped in sections it made it not as overwhelming. At anytime I felt disinterested I would just go back to the homepage and unravel a new section of information. This kept my attention for a long period of time and a regular textbook I would have lost interest long ago. One minor gripe I had with this piece was that it seemed as if the creators attempted to group similar stories together, but a solid amount of the stories were not directly related. In the grand scheme of things this was not a big deal, but it just caught my attention after searching through the work.
Mr. Plimpton's Revenge was something unique and different compared to most of the other works. It was helpful to see exactly where the story took place and how it unfolded. I felt immersed in the story because I was able to see all of the locations. The small dialogue boxes made it enjoyable to read because it was not an overwhelming amount of text and I breezed through the piece with a great understanding.
Even though I really enjoyed Mr. Plimpton's Revenge, by far my favorite was Public Secrets. I am sure some of the reason behind this is the similarities to the Netflix show Orange is the New Black. This piece was so emotionally charged and it engaged the reader to show some type of emotion for these women. The piece was mildly depressing learning a vast majority of the women were locked away for life with no chance of parole, but that is what made the piece so powerful. If it did not contain such harsh issues or punishment the piece would not have been able to engage the viewer on such a deep level. In addition, just being able to hear what the women did to get in was fascinating and disturbing at the same time. I have had family members in prison before so I was able to relate to what the inmates families and friends went through. It was not that shocking to learn about the inmates mistreatment due to all of the media coverage and new shows or films popping up depicting prison life. The overall design of the piece was interesting and something different and it drove me to check out all of the features. There is a large amount of content in this piece, but with it being grouped in sections it made it not as overwhelming. At anytime I felt disinterested I would just go back to the homepage and unravel a new section of information. This kept my attention for a long period of time and a regular textbook I would have lost interest long ago. One minor gripe I had with this piece was that it seemed as if the creators attempted to group similar stories together, but a solid amount of the stories were not directly related. In the grand scheme of things this was not a big deal, but it just caught my attention after searching through the work.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
What is DH?
To begin, I am Ken Badstibner a senior student at UPJ studying communication. Dr. Justus posed
the question what is Digital Humanities? Great question, he seems to ask a lot of great questions, but in all seriousness from what I have learned in a short amount of time Digital Humanities is a complicated, diverse, and relatively new area of study.
My interpretation of Digital Humanities is that it the study of interloping humanities and research to make information better available. In addition, Digital Humanities focuses on the combination and exploration of all the different art forms of humanities. This study is an art form or even a way of life, especially in the media ridden world we live in today. Digital Humanities is born online in the non physical world so it is like a chain link of knowledge so one can just jump from page to page no matter how different the humanities are. For instance, if someone is doing research on classical paintings they may have to get another book just to understand the definition of a key term unless it is listed on the page. Compare that to the digital world there are hyper links or one can just simply copy and paste the word into Google to find the meaning. The digital aspect of research is much more compelling and less time consuming. Music has benefited greatly from Digital Humanities because it allows one to edit or change the pitch or tone of someone's voice recording. Compare that to 25 years ago this was not plausible. An artist would have to make an absurd amount of recordings of just one song because the technology would not be able to alter one small thing to make the song what it needed to be. Now, with the flick of a finger it can make someone seem like they could sing like Barry White instead of some wannabe American Idol hopeful. Essentially computers are like an extension of us, so we just have to guide them in the direction we want to go.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
E-lit, much like Digital Humanities does not have a concrete definition due to a variety of reasons. If I had to sum what E-lit is then I would propose that it is literature that is born digitally and not a document in PDF form or Microsoft Word. This literature was created online for a purpose, usually due to it being interactive with the reader or viewer. Although print books and articles do not fit the criteria of E-lit, it does include interactive texts that almost play as video games. E-Lit is still a growing field and nowhere near the exposure of its print counterparts, but over time it will explode in popularity due to society being in a digital age.
There are various form of E-lit and after reading and playing around with the class readings a few stood out to me for different reasons. Mr. Plimpton's Revenge and Public Secrets were both interesting and similar in a few ways. They both engaged the audience with more traditional storytelling, but had the reader click around to follow the plot. Obviously, Mr. Plimpton's Revenge was an example of a classical story, while Public Secrets was a collection of stories which did not need played in any certain way. The similarities between the two lies at the core due to the way they were set up. Both were easy to follow, but engaged the reader and kept the readers interest due to the movement and freedom of the interaction. On the other hand, Text Evolution and Deviant featured a more of a video game style feel to them. Deviant was like a video game and very frustrating. Text evolution was basically just a bunch of words played out of sync, but the viewer could control at the rate they were displayed in order to properly read the text. In both of these instances the viewer had control of the interaction, but both of these examples were much more unconventional. I had to play through both a few times in order to get a feel for them and eventually reach the end. Deviant had me so frustrated I almost smashed my laptop in frustration. This kind of feel can either make or break a viewer. For some, it will drive them to the point of insanity until they complete the game, while others will just concede defeat. I fall into the first part because I am one of those people no matter how bad something is I want to see it through.
Overall, these all were interesting pieces of Electronic Literature that did a phenomenal job of engaging the viewer in unconventional ways. If I wanted to show someone a piece of E-Lit I would show them the Deviant game for a few reasons. Although the others were much different from reading a book, Deviant really encompasses something different and unique. In the future I believe a large amount of E-Lit will encompass what Deviant offers. It was just something so different and fresh compared to what most people come across in reading or interacting with on a regular basis. Below is basically how to understand, read, and operate E-Lit for someone who is unfamiliar with the study.
Overall, these all were interesting pieces of Electronic Literature that did a phenomenal job of engaging the viewer in unconventional ways. If I wanted to show someone a piece of E-Lit I would show them the Deviant game for a few reasons. Although the others were much different from reading a book, Deviant really encompasses something different and unique. In the future I believe a large amount of E-Lit will encompass what Deviant offers. It was just something so different and fresh compared to what most people come across in reading or interacting with on a regular basis. Below is basically how to understand, read, and operate E-Lit for someone who is unfamiliar with the study.
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